Tuesday, February 28, 2012

I'm Going There Today

Today I want to express my gratitude for temples. I have a friend who challenged me to go to the temple three times a week until I leave on my mission. At first I thought, "Wow, that's a lot" and wondered if I could do it. But I recognized, as he did, that if I had time to sleep in, I definitely had time to go to the temple. I've appreciated this challenge immensely. I still feel like three times is a lot and often I can think of many other things I could be doing with my time and wonder if it's worth it. But each time I go I feel a renewed gratitude for that challenge and for the opportunity I have to go to the temple. I love going so often and when I don't want to leave it makes it easier when I remind myself I will be back soon. I'm grateful for the blessings of the temple and the peace and strength that comes into my heart as I make the temple a central part of my life. Even if no one else can tell a difference, I certainly feel like a happier, kinder, and more loving person. My testimony of the gospel and my love for Heavenly Father and the Savior grow and deepen with each returning visit. I'm grateful for the way the temple has changed me and I hope to be a regular attendant of the temple for the rest of my life.

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