Monday, January 14, 2013

Hello Hello!
Yes, I enjoyed my birthday. It was fairly unique from the viewpoint of a missionary. I had five different companions throughout the day and no single companion that was with me the whole day. wierd. Basically this whole week was a bit strange, but it's been a good week and I don't know that I've ever felt happier. It's exhausting, but I've really been giving as much as I can to doing what the Lord wants me to do throughout each day--which doesn't always mean contacting and teaching. Sometimes it means spending time with a sick companion. But being in a tri and having so many senior couples nearby has made it possible for me to leave the flat quite a bit this week. But I've also loved the time I've spent in the flat with either one or both of my companions. They are the best. Sister Cabrera goes home the end of January. Yeah right. She can't be leaving. England might explode if she leaves.
On my birthday, I went to district meeting with the other visitors' centre sisters and the Elders made me no-bake cookies. Then we ate cheesecake at the visitors' centre and Sister Carpenter drove me home for a couple hours. That's when I opened my wonderful presents from home. That was probably my favorite part of the day. Just being with Sister Cabrera. Then I got to drive with Sister Carpenter to pick up Sister Maughan from Hastings. It was a fun little adventure. And it was so interesting being back in Hastings. It gave me cause to reflect--which I'm basically always doing anyway. But it was interesting how familiar everything looked and how the smells and sights of the flat brought everything back and I could feel those same emotions that had enveloped me those first three months. But I felt them in an impersonal way, just as a memory, not as feelings I couldn't shake away. I've come so far. And I've made huge leaps and bounds since arriving in East Grinstead. I'm a completely different missionary--which means I'm a different person too. I hope you like me when I get home! But if there's anything you don't like, it's God's fault. He's molding me into who He wants me to be. I can feel that every day. Sometimes that molding reallllly hurts, but it also brings great joy. So whoever I am when I get home, it will all be thanks to God (and I guess me too since I do have a special thing called agency....)
We bought Dominoes pizza before leaving Hastings and of course had Texas bbq--which was only fitting for my birthday. So it was an interesting and good day. I've been in the best area for these holiday times. I love love love being here.
This weekend I remembered that serving at the visitors' centre really is "my seaside" as Sister Rodrigues would say when I first got here. I love this job so much. It's similar to working at the MOA but sooo much better. Because I don't have to worry about school on the side and the 'staff' is smaller so I know everyone real well and everything we do can be led by the spirit! That's the best part. Being an instrument in the Lord's hands and saying the things you know He wants you to say is one of the best things I've ever experienced. I'm so grateful that He can use me to reach out and bless His children and to remind them of His love for them.
I enjoyed your report on the English dinner. Sausage rolls are not my favorite either. Mostly the veggies, definitely the potatoes, and the yorkshire pudding is good too. And did you put gravy on everything??? That's what makes it truly British---and also very good.
That's so cool that you're doing a sister missionary prep thing. We did a little mission prep training fireside thing last night at the visitors' centre which was lots of fun.
love to you allllll!!!!!! write me letters :) and have a lovely lovely week.
Enjoy the snow.
-Sister Reneer

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